Church Revitalization, Part One
Renewal Movements and Church Revitalization

One doesn’t have to be a missiologist to recognize the need for many churches to experience revitalization. One of the more powerful ways to experience church revitalization is through a renewal movement. Study the great awakenings and you will see stories of revitalization birthed in the midst of revival.
Jonathan Edwards’ church at Northampton is a well-known example, but there are thousands of stories from history of churches being revitalized as a part of these larger movements.
But we don’t have to have a great awakening to see churches revitalize, either! Here are some types of renewal movements that can help bring revitalization today.
First, there is a missio-renewal, with churches who are rediscovering the mission of God.
They realize John 20:21 applies to them, "As the father has sent me, even so send I you." This means a renewal of the place and role of mission, as in the missional church.
Many churches are experiencing a missional renewal. They might not use that word, but they're discovering a sense that we're all called on mission.
We see greater engagement in community. We see a greater number of people serving others. We have to be careful, however, because we can see a passion for community engagement and yet not see men and women come to faith in Christ and be changed by the power of the gospel. More about that in Part Two.
Second, we can also talk about a leadership renewal.
Churches and leaders can get excited about the subject of leadership and that's a good thing. I'm a professor of leadership among my roles at Wheaton; I love teaching leadership and see the lights go on. Kotter's eight-step change management process is something I find to be helpful for church ...
from Christianity Today Magazine https://ift.tt/38ncGZD
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