Understanding our History: How Imperfect Patriots Changed America for the Better
Today, on Memorial Day, we thank God for guiding and protecting our nation’s founders.

Historians have spilled much ink since America’s founding over one single question: Is the U.S. a Christian nation? Many believers today find comfort in the notion that their country was founded by many men and women of great faith. Others might prefer to scratch out references to God found in the Declaration of Independence and not just one, but all fifty of the state constitutions in our country.
Whatever side of this debate one lands on, the importance of accurately understanding and interpreting our nation’s history remains all the same. We live in a complex world where people often try to bend and twist historical truth to suit their needs. And where our ability to appreciate people’s great contributions to our country’s story may be hindered by their own imperfections.
As Dr. Tracy McKenzie of the Wheaton College History department writes, human beings “will be tempted, subconsciously at least, to distort what we see in order to find what we are looking for.” This includes what we are looking for in our nation’s own founding.
Some choose to make gods and others make villains out of the founding fathers and those that followed after them as leaders of this country.
But what if today, as we celebrate Memorial Day, we remember that history isn’t quite so black and white? What if instead of looking to question our founding ideologically or praise the founders themselves, we chose to see God’s protective hand over these imperfect patriots who shaped our nation?
Ben Franklin’s prayer
If there’s anything Scripture teaches us time and time again, it’s the importance of prayer. Even Ben Franklin—a committed deist—knew the value of getting down on ...
from Christianity Today Magazine http://bit.ly/2EMKlQ3
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