One-on-One with Daniel Darling on ‘The Dignity Revolution’
What does it look like to reclaim God's rich vision of humanity in a world that is increasingly asking what it means to be human?

Ed: What compelled you to write a book on human dignity?
Daniel: I’ve always been fascinated by the way the Bible describes the creation of human beings. While Moses describes God speaking the rest of the natural world into existence, he slows down his narrative in the first two chapters and describes the crafting of humanity in vivid and artistic language.
God sculpted humans from the dust of the ground and breathed into them the breath of life. King David tells us in Psalm 139 that every life is crafted with care in the mother’s womb.
I also think this is an important time for Christians to reclaim this rich vision of humanity in a world that is increasingly asking what it means to be human and in a world that sees daily assaults on human dignity, from abortion to war to the way we treat immigrants and refugees to the discussions about the end of life.
Ed: What exactly does it mean that humans are “created in the image of God?”
Daniel: Well, there is a lot of mystery here, so even in a book like this, we are only scratching the surface of what it means. However, we do know that to be human is to, in some way, reflect God in the world. I think this has two meanings.
First, it means every human being has value and dignity, above the rest of the creation, because we bear God’s image. Even in a fallen world, sin has corrupted the human experience, turning us against each other in violence, but it has not removed our value. Our dignity is not diminished based on our capacity or even our choices.
Second, to be created in God’s image means we have responsibility. We were created by a Creator to create, to reason, to love, to fill the earth with his glory. In a sense, the gospel message is telling ...
from Christianity Today Magazine https://ift.tt/2NTBIIV
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