#StuffChurchpeopleSay: The Funniest Sermon Responses
Let's get a laugh or two, or even a raised eyebrow, from our fellow well-intentioned congregants.

EAP @eadampeek: “You told too many circumcision jokes, so we are leaving the church. If we wanted to hear a comedy routine, we would have just watched a Will Ferrell movie.”
Jeremiah Clements @JremiahClements: “Early in my first pastorate I had a guy stop me after service to introduce himself: “You know how Paul said he had a thorn in the flesh?” I nodded & he continued, “I’m yours.”
Liam Thatcher @liamthatcher: “I couldn’t focus for the entire talk coz you were wearing new glasses”
Brett Landry @BrettLandry: “That was, like, a really good TED Talk about Jesus!” (Excited guest who’d never been to church before)”
Scott Slayton @scottslayton: “Your preaching has gotten worse since your baby was born. It’s like you’re not as passionate about God as you were before.”
Jason Spears @Jason_Spears: “Coming from my other church and my former pastor to here listening to you is like going from filet mignon to ground beef hamburger meat.” … “Unfortunately, in my youthful insecurity, the next week I handed her a small bottle of A1 steak sauce and encouraged her to go back if she saw fit.”
Christopher Cahall @chriscahall: “Would you like me to tell you how many times you said “um”?”
Hershaelyork @hershaelyork: “I preached in Grenada, MS, and a guy came up to me afterward, shook my hand and said, “Spurgeon! Charles Spurgeon.” I was flattered, but thought he was overstating things a bit and I told him so and he said, “No, that’s my name. I’m Charles Spurgeon.”
Kris Freeman @PastorKris: “That was an amazing message. Too bad no one ...
from Christianity Today Magazine https://ift.tt/2lP11w6
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